NPICKBLOCK Platform Architecture
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NPICKBLOCK is a Permissioned-based business blockchain platform designed based on Enterprise Ethereum and aims to provide a secure and effective service platform for participants, including Node and Dapp users.
NPICKBLOCK provides virtual machine (VM) and validators for SMART CONTRACT validation in a secure, trusted environment with Fungible Token (FT) and Non-Fungible Token (NFT) SMART CONTRACT to support various NPICK ecosystems. Each node in NPICKBLOCK acts as a Minor or a Validator in accordance with the high-speed Consensus Algorithm, ensuring fast transaction processing and rapid agreement.
Web3 API
The Web3 API stands for Ethereum standard JSON/RPC native communication protocol and supports various low-level commands from NPICKBLOCK via Hyper Text Transfer Protocol secure socket layer (HTPS) and Web Socket. Through NPICKBLOCK's Web3 API, NPICKBLOCK will perform token contracts for affiliated services such as NPICKBLOCK wallet and SNS platform.
Consensus Engine
Consensus means that each node is currently in the process of determining the data status of NPICKBLOCK, and each node is subject to the Consensus Engine to verify and jointly agree that the data being mutually retained is intact. NPICKBLOCK supports consensus with the Raft Consensus Algorithm, a non-competitive consensus algorithm that simplifies the trust system with a Permitted Management structure and thus ensures optimal performance.
Validator Node validates the block, the SMART CONTRACT of NPICKBLOCK and SMART CONTRACT processing results.